The wedding of Monča and Vojta - both of them my former classmates - was certainly something I didn't wanna miss. It's not happening every day that you get to shoot a wedding of two people you saw getting together when you (and them, too) were 16. Fast forward 12 years and here I was, witnessing them exchanging their wedding vows and starting a whole new chapter in their lives. I am grateful to have a job that allows me to be part of moments like these.

Place: Statek Starý Týn

Organization & decor: Wedding Factory

Catering: Bistro Široká

Video: Mangoshake

DJ: Miroslav Uriel

Flowers: Viju viju

Cake: Dortíkovo

Make-up & hair: Kristýna Dušková MUA

Prints: Napořád_ART

Groom's suit: Manemo

Rings: POLOMIO Jewellery